mudae bot tips

Mudae Bot is a Discord bot created for the main purpose of collecting your favorite characters from anime and video games. $mk: (premium) Force spawn a kakera (1 to 3 per hour). $fullresetdisable: clean the disabled lists of all users. Change the number of seconds during which you can claim a character. $thanosall: (admin) Divorce half of the harem of each player in the server. Only applies to your rolls. Disable the maximum amount of less popular characters (popularity by claim rank) with this single command: This command means you can only roll 7000 different $wa, 7000 different $ha, 4000 different $wg and 4000 different $hg. $tu - One of the most important commands of Mudae bot is $tu which stands for 'time up'. $restoreseries , $restoreuser <# of the entry in the $restorelist> to fully restore a specific entry for one user (characters are then erased from the $restorelist), allrolls: all marry rolls commands ($w, $h, $wg, $mk), allwaifu: all marryroulette related commands ($w, $im, $top) except the commands restricted to moderator/admin/server owner by default, allmod: all the commands restricted to moderator/admin/server owner by default ($cleanuser). Your server settings will be automatically transferred at the creation of the new instance. A higher number means already claimed characters will spawn less often. Based on your bot's growth, it's clear that you joined a number of servers inorganically in order to grow your bot and qualify for verification. It has around 50000 anime and game characters that members of a Discord server can claim and customize. ). Display name/series/keys under the image during your rolls (for mobile users). This will show all the characters of that series that are in the Mudae bot. $imab for the bundle list of the series. If you are a die-hard anime fan then what's stopping you from using the Mudae Bot. Multiplayer games, compete for waifus / husbandos, catch pokmon and other weird stuff. This is a global list. ; Click . This command is limited to the server owner and can't be disabled nor restricted. Congratulations you have successfully added the Mudae bot on your discord server !! The commands above include two types of characters: game and animanga.Add the letter g to just roll game characters ($wg) or a for animanga. $thanosall requiem: Divorce half of the harem of each player in the server; divorced characters give their kakera value to their owner. allpokeslot: all Pokslot related commands. Reset your rolls for the current hour (collect them with $vote and $daily). Everything is added to your current amounts and nothing is removed from both servers. Time left before you can react again to a kakera. Can be used by non-premium to increase the interval. The most helpful command. $serverdisable: (admin) Rolls-disable up to 1000 characters for the whole server. $setinterval: (admin + server premium II) Change the exact minute of the claim/rolls reset. Divorce the whole harem of the owner of a specified character. $kakera: Buy kakera badges to unlock bonuses. These effects are only applied during high traffic hours. If this is not the case, a player can only receive a free gift once every 12 hours; any additional gift will consume their claim. It shows how many times you can use the gacha to roll for a new character. This bot has close to 40,000 different combinations of husbandos and waifus that you can look for with the Mudae commands, so you can find them. $togglesilent 0: (default value) When using a disabled command, the bot will send a message to tell you how the command is disabled. List of users who left the servers with characters/wishes/kakera. $infomarry: Search for a character. Use $antidisablelist ($adl) to see your list of antidisabled characters, Use $antienable ($ae) to remove characters from your $antidisablelist (or $aeall for all), Use $antidisabledel ($add) to autodelete your $ad command, You can enable specific characters or series with $antidisable, You can disable specific series with $disable (the same amount of characters are enabled if you go below the limits mentioned above). $jankenpon @User: Rock-paper-scissors by affinity. $setpermission: (owner/admin) More specific permissions such as allowing users to use $kakerarefund for themselves only. So use this command to build up a collection of husbandos for yourself. The list which will have the most popular points with the 15 wides will be the most popular on the server. This will show you all the things that you can do using the Mudae bot. $thanosall scrap: Divorce half of the harem of each player in the server; divorced characters give their kakera value to the server kakera scraps. $fnp $ to also search by character name. $alias2: Change the secondary alias to whatever text you want. Collect kakera and earn advantages for the marry roulette! We and our partners use data for Personalised ads and content, ad and content measurement, audience insights and product development. Or $resetalias for their $alias / $resetimg for their $changeimg, $fullreset: (admin) List of full reset commands (aliases, images, wishes, disablelists, embedcolors, keys). It also shows if you can claim a character at the moment or not. Also, there is Bongo Bot, where you can claim waifu and husbandos and along with that play music on your discord server. The consent submitted will only be used for data processing originating from this website. Server list (or someone's list with their ID) of custom images. Do this right away if you haven't already signed into your server. Add letters to some commands if you want to display different details. Even all of the anime and video games which are added in the Mudae Bot also have their own descriptions as well as what characters from that particular anime or game is available to claim through the Mudae Bot. ($ai), $fullresetnoteimg: remove all image notes. Change the instance of this channel, creating a second server in your server. You can also add a second number to modify the 8 second default value. The next thing I recommend is to join the support community of Mudae bot. $imq+ (or $imq- ) to only search for names containing a part starting (or ending) exactly by your request. $profilebadge: Choose the badges displayed on your profile. $togglesnipe 3: (wish restriction 1) When someone rolls a WISHED character, this character can't be sniped for 8 seconds EXCEPT for people wishing for this character (AND the roller), $togglesnipe 4: (wish restriction 2) When someone rolls a WISHED character, this character can't be sniped for 8 seconds EXCEPT for people wishing for this character (the roller CAN'T claim this character either, except if they wished for it), $togglesnipe 5: (combined restriction 1) Any character rolled can't be sniped for 8 second(s) EXCEPT for people wishing for this character (AND the roller), $togglesnipe 6: (combined restriction 2) Any character rolled can't be sniped for 8 second(s) EXCEPT for people wishing for this character (the roller CAN'T claim this wish except if they wished for it). $top: Top 1000 characters. $likeclear: clear your list after confirmation. You can do this very quickly from the official website of the Mudae bot, which is very simple.There's also a direct link to invite Mudae, a bot that can help you with your game. $nis , $nip and $nin are also available. COPYRIGHT_WI: Published on by Elisa Mueller on 2022-07-29T03:00:36.611Z. Tells you how to earn kakera in your server and your progression through Kakera Badges. These commands are used to roll characters to claim. Change the embed color (side line) of your profile. This will refund all the kakera this user invested in kakera badges (kakera badge levels will drop to 0). Old answer: Create a new group from the menu. $randomimg 2: Images are only random for your rolls of UNCLAIMED characters. Type $rolls to use them. You must include a place for the character's name as and a place for the user's name as . Any emoji will suffice. Also, you can directly invite the Mudae bot with the help of the invite link that I have mentioned below. $rdmperso: Random character from, $searchpkm: Search for a Pokmon in the pokedex. $togglesnipe 1: (partial restriction) When someone rolls a character they have in their character wishlist, this character can't be sniped for 8 seconds. $quizrank: Global ladder for the $quiz game. $ima $ to jump to the page. $c [character name] $[number of image] This command is used to change the default image of a particular character. Also, you can roll specifically anime ($ha) or game ($hg) male characters to marry to. The character cannot be claimed yet on the receiving server. So this command should be used if you are only interested in collecting waifus for your collection. The descriptions also come from Mudae (the bot itself really is your best guide!). $join: Link to join Mudae on her server and get more infos. Then, go to your server on Discord and sign in to it. Arrange the order of the categories for your $tu command. Server list (or someone's list with their ID) of noted images. There isn't a way to get more Keys apart from to play for a long time. A bot is an automated group member that can be told to post messages to one of your groups with an HTTP POST request. Your current data will still be available on other channels. $customcd , $cdspe1 , $cdspe2 . Enjoy an ad-free experience for only $2.99 per month and access the exclusive benefits of our Premium Membership. There are like 35,000 characters like waifu, husbando from Manga, and 100,000 images and GIFs. Don't give the bot any permission until you've taken through the permissions and learned how much you'll be giving it. As a result, she spent an excessive amount of her childhood reading books and watching movies. this bot will claim any wish spawns instantly working 24/24 , tested on pc : windows 7 and windows 10 bot claims all wishes ( even unwanted ,low value wishes ) easy & safe to use , we will help you until you are fully satisfied Price 15$ - 1 lifetime payment / 45 days of free updates To order get in touch with us at Discord : MMASTER#0550 Before The transfer is limited to 10 million kakera. Bots can also respond to messages sent by members of the group. The characters are drawn from officially released video games, comics, anime, and manga. $resetalias unclaimed: Reset $alias2 for all the unclaimed characters of your server, $resetalias2 unclaimed: Reset $alias2 for all the unclaimed characters of your server, $resetimg unclaimed: Reset $alias2 for all the unclaimed characters of your server, $fullresetalias: reset all aliases to the default value. You can do this to any character and not just anyone that you are married to. $h This is the last of the three basic commands available in Mudae Bot. You gather all the characters you wish to wed and compete with your friends to have the most attractive harem. Change the embed color (side line) of your $mm. This denial is final and generally cannot be appealed. $waifus ($w): It's among the most basic commands in Mudae. Get a DM or don't be mentioned for Bronze/Silver/Emerald bonuses. Randomly divorce half of the harem of someone. $randomimg cust 1: Custom images are never displayed when you roll. Add a character to your wishlist so that you are mentioned when the character is rolled. With the default values, slash commands with buttons are not affected by rush hours. Less popular characters are disabled. $divorceall: divorce ALL YOUR characters. How to Install Mudae Bot Go to the Mudae Bot page and click "Invite to Server." Select your server and click "Continue" (you'll need to log in to Discord to complete this step). $toggleclaimrank: (admin) Toggle character ranking by number of claims. Make the images appearing during your rolls random. Almost all characters have more than one image and using this command you can specify the number of the image that you want to set as default for that particular character. Example: $mm for $mymarry. She moved to New York City and worked for Entertainment Weekly magazine for ten years, visiting film sets all over the world. Sigue jugando Mudae y obtendrs ms claves de forma natural. Jump down below and start collecting your favorite waifus and husbandos and make the greatest harem of your dreams. To get keys in Mudae, you have to roll the same character more than once, which is the only way. In games with friends, everyone benefits from more rolls. Add -- in front of a text to exclude it from the search. To save all three in one command, replace the name of the list with full. Mudae is a Discord-based entertainment bot and the focus of this Wiki. Hey y'all would love to know your tricks to collecting Kakera fast besides the traditional divorce and kakera rolls. DMs an embed with a command list (just like this article). Here I will tell you about the waifu gacha and the pokemon game. When you have Mudae on your server, the goal is simple. As Discord gets older, these bots have become more and more creative. $resetalias2: (admin) Reset all $alias2 for a user's characters OR unclaimed characters. Use $tsv id to display user IDs. To claim any other character, the user has to manually add any emoji. Only Player Premium and kakeraloots/kakeratowers let you use lower values than the ones mentioned above (thus disabling more characters). A user can only claim a single character in a certain amount of time after which they have to wait for the cooldown to finish to claim again. Use $rl to see the corresponding # (for use with $restoreuser), Restore a character from the restorelist to its previous owner. Part of the words database comes from, $kirby // $kirchoco //$tea , $chocoshark // $bear // $eater . The user can use this command to roll for and marry any random character from any anime or game that is rolled. $yellowtea: Find the largest number of words. Use $tsy id to display user IDs. $fnq+ (or $fnq- ) to only search for notes containing a part starting (or ending) exactly by your request. We appreciate the Mudae Bot Team for such great documentation and support and all the credits belong to them. Don't worry about how to use Mudae Bot Discord, leave that to us and continue reading to know . How to add Mudae bot on your discord server? if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,250],'exploringbits_com-large-leaderboard-2','ezslot_6',140,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-exploringbits_com-large-leaderboard-2-0');When you have 15 waifus then the Mudae bot will create a list that will contain the popularity of the waifus and the points that are associated with them. $settings: To make a list of all the server settings. bot that is used by a lot of people today, and many people use it. if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[250,250],'exploringbits_com-large-mobile-banner-1','ezslot_16',144,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-exploringbits_com-large-mobile-banner-1-0');The next thing I recommend is to join the support community of Mudae bot. One of the most important commands of Mudae bot is $tu which stands for time up. Step 2: When you have clicked on the invite link you will be redirected onto the discord where it will ask you to select the discord server in which you want to add the Mudae bot. I have everything maxed out besides emerald and I'm loosing steam haha. given certain keywords. $invite: Link to invite Mudae on another server. Collect waifu and husbando. It's one of the best Discord bots for anime because of the commands you use to get waifus and husbandos. The majority of these can already be viewed using $help or $channelhelp, but they are documented here nonetheless. Upvote Mudae on and collect rolls resets. This value is automatically doubled for slash commands (if no one flooded too much between your rolls). There are only five or six important commands which are given in more detail down below. r (claim ranks), r- (claim ranks not sorted), l (like ranks), l- (like ranks not sorted), k (kakera value), k= (kakera sorted), k- (kakera base value), y (keys only), y= (keys sorted), y+ (with full harem), y- (without keys), y!, y!=, y!+, y!- (soulkeys), c (embedcolored), c+ (with full harem), c- (without embedcolor), t (type of rolls), m (main names), d (img/alias details), v (hide details such as notes), n (not noted), n+ (noted only), u (unclaimed), o (owner names), o= (owned only), o- (not owned by you), o+ (owned by you), x (disabled), x+ (with full harem), x- (not disabled). $setfooter: Display name/series under the image during your rolls. If your claim reset currently occurs at 10:20 => 13:20 => 16:20: This will change the maximum number of characters the users can have in their harem by preventing them from claiming if they reached (or are already above) this limit. Define the number of different characters you can roll in each roulette (by disabling the less popular characters). Source: $alist: See availables aliases for a character. It works in the same way as the previous two commands but it is only used to roll for husbandos and not waifus. There are many differences between the Mudae Discord bot and the Karuta bot, but they both work in a lot of ways. This will disable those commands for ALL the channels BUT this one. As we introduced briefly, Mudae is a bot designed for users to invite to their Discord servers. This is a list of the commands used by Mudae. Mudae should now be in your server. To arrange the order of your custom images by their current custom positions: $ai arrange $ $ $noteseries $: note for all the characters of a series from your harem. $gamemode: The server's game mode is being changed by the admin. $togglesnipe: (admin) Change the possibility to claim on other players' rolls. She went to the University of Kansas for college, where she earned bachelor's degrees in English and journalism. 2. This is what I'm using at the moment, but if you guys have anything Be the first to take their heart! Note that you will still need to use $ when separating characters, series, etc. If you change the prefix and then forget it, $prefix will always work. To exclude it from the search reading to know you all the credits to... Automated group member that can be told to post messages to one your... User 's characters or UNCLAIMED characters claim waifu and husbandos and make the greatest harem of each player in Mudae! Mudae Discord bot created for the bundle list of the categories for your collection mentioned Bronze/Silver/Emerald. Mobile users ) characters like waifu, husbando from Manga, and many people use it magazine for years... < series >, $ searchpkm: search for a user 's characters or UNCLAIMED characters:! 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mudae bot tips
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